SRP – TSC Drainage Improvements – Phases 1 Through 4


Salt River Project


Tempe, Arizona



Date Completed

March 2023

Located in an active SRP facility, this project encompassed excavation of new retention basins, drainage improvements, and parking / storage accommodations to address excess surface drainage. The site was wide spread, and there were multiple trade partners working concurrently on the site, so trade partner coordination was part of the key to our success.

Banicki constructed five various sized retention basins adding a total of 279,000 CF of water retention volume. In the new large retention basin, three Maxwell Plus spider system drywells were installed and fiber reinforced shotcrete was applied to the slopes of the basin. In addition, 30” RCP, headwalls, and catch basins were installed to reroute storm drain runoff to the retention basins. Chip seal was applied to the new parking/storage area for dust palliative purposes. This project involved significant collaboration with SRP facility operations as this project was completed during active facility operations.

Additionally, the site was located on an old Native American village, so all excavation work was performed with great care. Banicki partnered with a local archeologist to monitor all excavation sites and spoil materials for any ancient artifacts. Banicki also utilized a Site Logistic and Coordination Plan that was updated weekly along with our three-week look-ahead schedule and delivered to all trade partners on site. This visual aid was distributed and communicated to the field crews, and mitigated scheduling and delivery conflicts.