Ancient Trail Reconstruction


Coconino County


Flagstaff, Arizona



Date Completed

July 2022

This Job Order included the complete roadway reconstruction on over 1/2 mile of Ancient Trail in Kachina Village that was eroding from heavy rain and wash flow. Located adjacent to Pumphouse Wash, the existing roadway did not have adequate drainage systems and was not equipped to handle heavy rain events. The purpose of this project was to completely rebuild and widen Ancient Trail with significant new drainage enhancements and perform geomorphic floodplain widening of Pumphouse Wash.

Project scope included 7,294 SY of full depth asphalt removal; 8,855 SY of new asphalt paving; hard rock excavation; 2,780 CY of roadway cut; 1,941 CY of roadway fill; CIP drainage structures; culvert extensions; sewer adjustments; cut ditches; geomorphic floodplain widening; and slope stabilization.

Banicki Benefit: This project had an Owner assigned duration of 75 working days in which Banicki completed all construction in only 40 working days. Coconino County approached numerous JOC Contractors with this aggressively scheduled project, yet only Banicki could guarantee the ability to price, mobilize, and start construction within 2-weeks of receiving plans. We utilized our outstanding JOC Division’s resources and relationships to staff, lock in subcontractors, obtain best value material pricing, and successfully execute this accelerated project in only 40 working days.