Phoenix Zoo Parking Lot – Phase I


City of Phoenix


Phoenix, Arizona



Date Completed

November 2020

This project included the development and construction of a brand new 6-acre asphalt parking lot in undisturbed desert soils for the Phoenix Zoo. The new parking lot was immediately adjacent to existing Zoo parking lots and the back of the Zoo’s animal habitats; thus, noise mitigation, construction phasing, and maintenance of pedestrian traffic were critical project elements.

The existing surface soils were comprised of native top soil/decomposed granite and the existing subsurface material was caliche/rock material that had to be removed via ripping with a CAT D9 bulldozer and breaking with an 8,000 LB hydraulic rock hammer. The new pavement section included 4” of AC atop 10” of ABC. Grade control was paramount to the parking lot’s paving operation as many areas were designed such that the pavement surface would channel water to curb openings and detention basins built into the new parking lot.

Further scope across the total 13-acre site area included new drainage, catch basins, detention basins, bio-swales, ADA ramps, decorative sidewalk, curb, gutter, fire water line, fire hydrants, streetscape enhancements, irrigation, architectural landscaping, and electrical duct bank installation.