Short Line Thermoplastic Lighted Intersections


Maricopa County Department of Transportation


Various in Arizona



Date Completed

April 2021

Executed within the framework of our MCDOT Roadway Construction, Stabilization, Paving, and Traffic Calming Services JOC contract, this project centered on the thermoplastic striping of ten distinct intersections spread across Maricopa County. The scope of work involved the installation of new thermoplastic pedestrian crosswalks at all four sides of each intersection. Additionally, new stop bars, edge lines, center lines, and intersection navigation lines were also installed.

Banicki took charge of ensuring the safe execution of the project, overseeing critical aspects such as traffic control, outreach to local businesses, and community engagement. Notably, all project activities were conducted during nighttime hours to minimize disruptions and ensure minimal impact on the surrounding areas. This strategic approach aimed to uphold operational efficiency while prioritizing the convenience and well-being of the community during the project’s implementation.